Race, 2009
When we are looking at a photograph, we are looking at history. The same is true for a painting, a sculpture, or even a memory. We see things as they were, what was meant. I guess I have a running curiosity behind this because of moments I wish to capture in my life. I am constantly looking at images as still lifes, what makes my everyday, and what contributes to another. Each action we take, creates a shadow to another.... I guess that is a good thing to remember.
When someone creates art, bad or good to anothers eye, its theirs for the keeping. That's what I love about art. The creation, the process, the thinking behind it. When someone tells me they are not an artist, I deny. We all are, whether it be science, math, business, etc....our daily actions our the art. Maybe we can start to see it that way. By capturing this in photo, it becomes archived as our everyday, and valid of what was.
Try to start looking, seeing things as they are accustomed to your eye. You will see more colors, more shadows, and see what you as the viewer create. It is the basics that we are made up of, and it is the basics that make us whole.
Wash, 2009
Wind Storm, 2009