Sunday, July 25, 2010

Recess, 2010

Gerhard Richter stated it perfectly, " I want to leave everything as it is. I therefore neither plan nor invent; I add nothing and omit nothing. At the same time, I know that I inevitably shall plan, invent, alter, make and manipulate. But I don't know that."

Knowing that you dont know, is probably one of the greatest things to remember. While painting today, I left room for disappointment. By letting the weight of error go, you leave a lot more room for better things to come.


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

Beats, Uganda 2008

With the recent terrorism in Uganda, it made me flip through my photos of my trip there in 08. Its such a wonderful place, a lot of history partnered with a lot of work to be done. Here is a great link of photo essays and information to learn more about it.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


People always inspire my work. It is something constant, makes me think. We enter the space around us and develop its intention, its meaning. We walk in shadows, we find the sun.

Garden, 2010

Lately I have been walking to work, and I have attached some photos I call my freckles. They are part of my everyday walks, the people I come across. Hidden moments of the everyday, that captured creates a value to something once blank. 

I am currently attempting to develop this idea in painting. Photography can be easy, its an image we are accustomed to, and in a sense, more truth to it. It displays our relation to a space, as well as the absence of it. When you are looking at a painting, what develops your space relations. And, how does your own history play a part in your interactions with it.

Riverbank, 2010

fruit trees, 2010

Sunrise, 2010

The Boozers, 2010

Apple, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010