Sunday, February 28, 2010


I love picking a spot, and letting the photos come to me. Maybe its lazy of me....but I find it fun. We move, and we give the environment new meaning. Makes it interesting to see what happens. Its how it should be, can get some unexpected delights.


Saturday, February 27, 2010

dinner party

my random photo of the camera always reminds me to see new things, and reminds me of what I miss.  

Dinner Party, 2010

Friday, February 19, 2010


Relativity, 2010

Im currently reading a book on the unified field theory.  It exactly displays my thoughts on space, time and matter,..... bringing all fields together into a unified framework.

Why is this important to photography? Why read other subjects while studying one art.  In order to capture the essence of everything, you have to understand how the components work.  Coherent elements along with being increasingly abstract, each supporting the other..... merging the space of the positive and the negative. All of these elements are attracted to one magnet, one universal idea.

These techniques can be easily lost because they are so subtle. Living in a messy world, we tend to get tangled in the actions of others.  How, through photography, do we question that this space between moments exists, that this negative is in fact a positive, that it is all a positive.

 Momentum, 2010

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Self, 2010

The rhythm of life gets to me many times. I get so caught up in whats to come, I forget about what is right in front of me. I get anxious. We all do this, its human nature....... I see, react, create.....but, do I appreciate. If the world were to stop tomorrow, what would be left. Still moments can tell us this. They can tell us our actions, become proof of what was.

Attached are my proofs, my has beens, my histories, my was. If you start looking at everyday actions, you will see your was, and maybe... we can determine our be.

Rhythm, 2010

Energy, 2010

Weights, 2010

Static, 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010


5:22 1/20, 2010

Life has weird ways of interacting with you. You never know the can prepare, expect, ...and genuinely know where you want to go. Then, it will throw you a curveball...and you haven't perfected the swing. You can miss a great opportunity...and let it go right by.

That's how I see photography. Catching those moments, the hidden thing thrown at you. To hit this, is difficult, you have to have an eye, see it coming. Its knowing anothers movement to anticipate the next. If life was easy, then we would all have it down to a tee.

These are photos that I like to call my curveballs. Situations I was thrown into, that I wish I saw coming. I could have taken a better photo, been more prepared. But, I sat back and may have watched it go by. In hindsite... maybe by taking the photo I am realizing the moment, and searching for the next. How much do we look for that in life anyway. And, does the moment captured, really matter.

11:37, 1/31, 2010

9:46, 1/28. 2010

8:32, 1/29, 2010

5:06, 1/26, 2010